Wisznice - Studzianka
21.0 km
5:15 h h
Difficulty level: trudny

The Zielawa is a tributary river to the Krzna and at a length of 68 km and its basin area comes to 1226 km². It flows from the Mosty reservoir close to the village called Mosty. It flows a north east direction through following communities: Wisznice, Dubica, Bordziłówka, Łomazy, Studzianka, Ortel Królewski, Perkowice and it enters the river Krzna at the village called Woskrzenice Duże. Its main tributary rivers are: Krynica, Lutnia, Zarnica, Grabarka and Mulawa.

This route is not known as the easiest one. Huge amounts of plants forces heavy paddling. This is definitively harder course to travel rather than the open spaces of the Krzna or the river Bug. The river looks completely different from its channel; you can find a wealth of flora and many bridges. The most colourful scenic view is in Dubica next to Wisznice, where whilst canoeing you can get the impression that you are floating through the Claude Monet masterpiece ‘Japanese bridge in Giverny’. The reality is that it is a larger scale than on the French impressionist’s canvas.  On this route there are 18 bridges and footbridges.

The first stop could be planned after an hour’s journey next to Dubica Dolna. In this place the river Zielawa is a bit wider. Further on the journey there are further struggles through the flora and the river channel narrows. Sometimes it is too hard to pass and an attempt to get through faster ends up in sweet flag and bulrush. A large amount of meanders makes this route more interesting.

Next stop you could plan after the next two hours’ journey. Before you reach this destination, you have to go through a section of the river lying on your back to pass a tree that has fallen over the channel.  While travelling you can see the beavers handy work. These obstacles give spice to the adventure.  After you tackle these obstructions, like the areas of  the old dam, you can take a break for a meal. At this point your canoe is full of vegetation. Canoeing through this first part of Zielawa is a battle just to move forward.

Next you canoe towards Rossosz. It is a quaint place next to the bridge on the route to Bordziłówka, is breathtaking. It is the first place where you have to get out of the canoe. Protruding rocks prevents you from canoeing through this part of the river and forces you to carry your canoe further downstream. Your efforts will be rewarded with a mini beach beyond the bridge and the yellow sand reflects off the river surface. When entering your canoes you can notice how clear the water is. There is no time to rest, you push on down passing submerged branches. The next part of the journey is a place where you can slalom through a set of wooden posts which protrude from the water.

In the midst of Szelest and Jusaki Zarzeka villages, with many bends and turns, it gives the illusion that you are travelling around in circles. At this point there is more water in the river. Here on the bridge you can plan your next break. Canoeing on you can notice from the river channel, the tower of the neogothic church dedicated to Saint Peter and Paul in Łomazy built in 1911.

In the distance you can observe an abandoned stork nest in a tree, this would mean that you have reached Głuche Fields, the place of the battle from 15.09.1769 where Colonel Franciszek Ksawery Pułaski, brother of Kazimierz, died. “At the rear, from the side of Łomazy Russian carabineers appeared led by the Count of Castell. The survivors seek the Pułaski brothers in a daring attack. Francis attacked the count of Castell himself, however the count manage to fire a fatal shot at Francis.  There were conducted archaeological excavations that brought loads of knowledge about this place and the battle.” In 1931 or 1932, a Bojczewski from Studzianki found at this place human skeletons, tombs and weapons. Around 1935 the cemetery was ploughed over. According W. Osipiuk from Biała Podlaska that after the 2nd World War, close to the river Zielew, there was still an old small cemetery which further stated that there were traces of a major battle fought nearby. The Battle of Głuch was even mentioned in the comedy ‘Zemsta’ (Revenge) by A. Fredry in act IV scene 1 the Cup-Bearer Raprusiewicz drew out his sword and said “He, he, he! Lord Bar! At Słonim, Podhajca, Berdyczow, Łomazy it served me well.” Unfortunately from the canoe you cannot see the memory plaque that commemorates this place.

A while later you finally reach Studzianka. From the river channel you can notice on our right side, the first sightseeing point in Studzianka, the guesthouse "u Kovala". On the 19th kilometre you reach a bridge, the current gets stronger and there is much more water here. At this point the journey goes smoothly. Heading towards Szenejek, an old property of the Szenejko family since 1672 till 1939, they were the owners of this folwark. The place next to the bridge was an old ghetto in which Jews used to work during II World War under German occupation.

The route ends at the bridge in Szenejki.

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